Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Government - Here to Make Life Difficult!

The morning I went to register the van was a beautiful one. I was feeling good as I made my way to the City of Ottawa Ontario Drivers Kiosk on Laurier Ave. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and people seemed friendlier than usual as I passed them on the streets. It was the perfect day to get Cloud 9 her first set of Ontario plates (she originated from BC).

The Service Desk at the City of Ottawa, however, was operating under a dark cloud. First, I waited in line for over an hour. When I got up to the counter, I swear I had the grumpiest person in the whole place serving me. I gave her all the paperwork. She grunted, “Do you have insurance? Do you have your safety papers?” I explained that on the Ontario Drivers website I read that I could register the van without having insurance and that I read I would have a certain number of days after registering the vehicle during which I would safety the vehicle. She grumpily stated that this was indeed the case, if I was willing to have the vehicle towed everywhere. “If you want to be able to drive the vehicle anywhere you have to have insurance before you register it. Otherwise you will not legally be able to drive it until after the vehicle has been safetied and has adequate insurance. Oh and you have a week within which you must register the vehicle and pay all fees.”

What a wake-up call! I had to get insurance, a safety, and register the vehicle, all within a week—and not just any week either. This was the week before reading week when I would be taking a trip to Paris! I panicked a little, I must admit. I went home and started researching insurance companies right away. But soon it became clear that getting insurance with no previous history with any Ottawa companies was going to be virtually impossible. Company after company, as soon as I mentioned the year, make and model of my vehicle, they would immediately chime: “Sorry, we don’t insure cars that are more than 20 years old.”

I called Doug near to tears, panicking about what I was going to do with my vehicle. I was terrified about having to call my parents and explain to them that I’d bought a vehicle that wasn’t safetied, for which I couldn’t get insurance, and that I had no place to store. It wasn’t a week earlier that my father had gently lectured me on not buying a vehicle “as is”, and making sure that I researched insurance on it first. I had gone against both those things, and I was in a bind. I cried over the phone to Doug, stressed to the nines wondering how I would deal with the van while also having to worry about exams and my trip to Paris all at the same time. When I was cried out, we decided that he would try to get himself insured on the vehicle.

The day of my flight to Paris, Doug, Julie and I went to the MTO in Vanier (recommended by Brian Johnson as the place with the nicest employees…and he was right!). In a matter of minutes, the vehicle was registered and paid-for. I had plates to put on, and a sticker that told the world those plates were valid. Thanks to Doug’s amazing mechanic, the vehicle was safetied, and officially ready to be driven legally. Finally, Cloud 9 was mine—my first vehicle ever.




  1. That is AWESOME! Way to go Nicole for following your dreams! I also did a similar adventure trip after graduating (not with an awesome van like this) but I know I would have regretted it not going after my dream. There are too many people not acting on it, so I'm glad to see you're not one of those. :-) And good job Doug for making it happen for her. Such a great boyfriend. You guys rock. Good luck!


  2. I agree with Anonymous Vero!

    I'm excited to hear all about the trip! Keep the blog going!

    And Doug was the perfect guy to bring along boyfriend or not! If anyone knows how to keep old gems running it's him.

    I once wanted to travel my way around Ireland playing music in pubs to pay my way, hasn't happened yet, but I'm not dead yet either...

    Yours is happening though! And who knows, don't give up on the skydiving one either! That would be considerably easier to make happen! Hey, you even now some guys in the Air Force!


  3. My daughter falling in love.....with a van. Have a great trip girls.

  4. Thanks for the comments guys! Glad you are enjoying my long-winded blog. Vero, that's very cool you did a trip like this. Any suggestions on things to see and do?

    Matt, you TOTALLY have to go to Ireland. You should take your son (after he's become pro at the drums or the piano) and then you could both play music to pay your way!

    And yes, Doug is amazing! I'm so glad to know him, and especially to date him. The most supportive, good-lookin' boyfriend ever! :-)


  5. Ok, now we know for sure that you're expecting Doug to read this blog! lol

    We did Ireland for our honeymoon, but that was not the time to be pinning our travel plans on my musical skills!

    You're right though, I'll start grooming the boy now! :^)

  6. Of course I expect Doug to read my blog. I SAID he was the most supportive boyfriend ever didn't I? That means he's required to support me by reading my crazy-long (for the most part) blog It's part of keeping his title. :-)

    Nice! Honeymoon in Ireland would be a lot of fun! Ireland is certainly somewhere I'd love to go in the future!
